The future of electronic invoices

October 11th, 2016
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Electronic invoice is rapidly gaining ground. According to the annual report "E-Invoicing/E-Billing – Digitisation and Automation" published by Basware in 2016*, almost 30 billion electronic bills are expected to be generated worldwide this year, out of a total of about 370 billion. Printed invoices are still very common, however, especially in Asia and Africa. Find out the infographics.

The companies that opt to go down this route cite a whole range of motivations: adapting to customer or supplier processes, cost reduction, process optimisation, shorter lead times, improved quality… there are so many good reasons!

The numerous benefits offered by electronic invoicing are driving the switch to all-digital. Currently 75% of e-invoices are in PDF format (compared to 25% in EDI—Electronic Data Interchange—format), but total dematerialisation is winning over an increasing number of companies, and tomorrow’s bill will be zero-paper.

*This survey, covering more than 15,000 companies in 50 countries, offers a worldwide vision of the global e-billing market.

 Infographic on the future of electronic invoices