Digitisation is essentital for procurement offices throughout the world. Spend Matters focuses on two criteria to assist industrial companies with their choices and help them to identify the most suitable partners depending on their priorities and digital maturity: technological expertise and the range of services available. For the e-procurement world, the independent nature and collective process of Spend Matters lends a real sense of authority to the 50/50 annual rankings.
E-procurement: Criteria for naming today's and tomorrow's leaders
Whether they are major players or breaking down barriers, the stakeholders identified by Spend Matters are all committed to listening to and supporting their customers. Their ability to come up with innovative approaches concerning the technologies implemented or the strategies proposed to develop culture and behaviour, maximises their long-term contribution to companies relying on these services to develop their procurement process. Strategically, having a long-term vision and selecting the correct e-procurement partner is essential for industrial companies. When assessing potential service providers, whether or not they feature in the Spend Matters rankings is undoubtedly a factor to consider.
The 50 major e-procurement stakeholders
The first ranking created by Spend Matters groups together well-known editors and integrators who are well-established on the innovation scene. It will be easy for industrial companies to select a partner from the list that can help them advance their procurement digitisation, thanks to a broad technological openness and a wide range of services and intervention methods. These values guarantee a smooth progression towards e-procurement.
The 50 emerging e-procurement stakeholders
This second ranking contains less established stakeholders, but ones which break down barriers. Selecting a partner from this list demonstrates a well-justified choice and a distinct technological mindset to move towards the digital generation. Such companies have excellent ideas to accelerate the digitisation process.
One innovation this year is to offer companies the option to decide between three emerging stakeholders and take a participatory approach when awarding final place.
In addition to showcasing the stakeholders who make the greatest contribution, the Spend Matters rankings have the advantage of highlighting the objective criteria for selecting the most suitable e-procurement partner. Good luck with your digitisation!