The Export Service: A Major Asset for Distributors

May 23th, 2024
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Large multinational companies often implement centralized procurement management to streamline and enhance efficiency. In this regard, they aim to consolidate their purchases with fewer vendors while maintaining uncompromised quality. To meet this need, distributors' export services are changing the game.

A priority: aggregating purchases

First and foremost, procurement departments need to contract with partners who can support them in aggregating purchases. This is especially true when it comes to long-tail purchases (industrial supplies, hygiene and safety products, workshop and office furniture and supplies, etc.) as the supplier portfolio is often extensive.

To achieve this, it is imperative to engage with a distributor offering a wide range of products and extensive geographic coverage, particularly through an export service. Ideally, the distributor even has its own brand of products (private label) which enhances the financial benefits. Such a partner will thus be able to meet nearly all needs across the countries where client enterprises are located. This allows these enterprises to streamline their supplier portfolio, whether for recurring purchases or one-off projects.

This approach represents a major lever for savings and efficiency. In addition to reducing administrative costs associated with supplier management, it contributes to aggregating orders and deliveries. This is how they can improve economic, social, and environmental performance throughout their supply chain.

Better control of the operations chain

For large enterprises, the challenge of this approach is to centralize their purchases while maintaining a certain level of quality across all sites.

The distributor, acting as an intermediary, controls the entire operations chain. Initially, they carefully control and select their offerings. This ensures that client enterprises receive products of known quality and origin (France, Europe, etc.), accompanied by comprehensive documentation (certifications, labels, technical specifications, etc.).

Leveraging their expertise, the distributor also provides end-to-end customer service, managing everything from quotations to complaints, transportation, and customs. Indeed, they must handle all delivery modes with Incoterms (International Commercial Terms), regardless of the destination or borders to be crossed.

Ideally, this central expertise is complemented by local support, including the deployment of commercial representatives who can meet and visit the various sites of these enterprises. This helps support decision-makers and adds value, especially for long-tail purchases that may not always have detailed specifications.

Thanks to their export service, distributors guarantee quality products and optimal service levels worldwide. Consequently, internationally established enterprises can rely on a trusted partner for various product categories to enhance their efficiency.

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