
Hannah Jepson

Financial controller
Rapid Racking

Hannah Jepson, financial controller at Rapid Racking, tells us about her career, punctuated by internal transfers between two of the Manutan group's British subsidiaries Rapid Racking and Manutan UK…

What has your journey with the Manutan Group been like?

I joined Rapid Racking, the Manutan group's specialist subsidiary in shelving and storage solutions, as a financial assistant in 2011, when I finished school. After having moved into the position of accounting assistant, my managers suggested that I replace my counterpart at Manutan UK, the Group's general subsidiary, who was going on maternity leave. It was a wonderful opportunity to discover a new business model, new processes, a new information system, and a new product offering… I accepted without hesitation!

I moved to the county of Dorset and soon found my bearings in the company. I even took the opportunity to start training as a chartered accountant in my spare time. Ultimately, this replacement became a permanent contract as an accountant. Then Rapid Racking contacted me because they were looking for a financial controller. I felt ready to take up the challenge and moved again. After four years in this role and with my qualification under my belt, I’m very happy with my career.

What do you think about internal mobility today?

It’s a wonderful opportunity for change, with the advantage of staying in the same organisation. This makes integration much simpler and more natural. You already know some of your colleagues and you’ve already adopted the company’s culture and values… Plus, Manutan supports you in this process. Not only did the company help me find a flat but above all Justin Tromans, Financial Director for the United Kingdom, supported me with each transition.

If I had to do it again, I wouldn’t change a thing. Not only do you develop in personal and professional terms but above all, internal mobility is a real career accelerator!

What advice would you give to an employee on how to find fulfilment at Manutan?

I think that we have to see ourselves as being an integral part of the Manutan Group and not just a subsidiary. In this respect, I advise everyone to stay curious and keep up your relationships with your colleagues from all subsidiaries. The Group offers so many transfer opportunities that you have to stay open and seize your chance when it arises!

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