The Manutan Customer Event held Thursday 15th November 2018 brought together 150 people from the procurement profession: Chief Procurement Officer, Purchasing Manager, Purchaser… Each year, this event allows the European procurement community to gather and discuss topical issues.
After last years' focus on hidden data resources, the third Customer Event looked at the digital transformation of procurement and the key ways to anticipate and control this change.
As it was very well received by the attendees, we would like to invite you to relive the experience through images taken at the event.
Happy reading!
Brigitte Auffret, Xavier Guichard and Pierre-Olivier Brial
The Group's Chief and Deputy Chief Executive Officers
Alexandre Cadain, an Entrepreneur and art and technology enthusiast, is the Co-founder and CEO of ANIMA.
Alexandre Cadain tells the story of how augmented intelligence has evolved into what it is today, from Leonardo Da Vinci to IBM's Watson via Alan Turing and Star Trek. As he reminds us, artificial intelligence is not just used in computer sciences, but is also used as a social and political issue.
The technological revolution will transform all professions, but will have a particular impact on procurement. These new powerful technologies will free buyers from low value-added tasks and allow them to secure, enhance and fully exploit data to ultimately implement strategies within their companies and optimise their performance.
Will the buyer of future be a robot?
[VIDEO] In your opinion, how will procurement change between now and 2030?
Digital transformation: Cost reduction of up to 30% for procurement departments
What new skills are needed in procurement?
Digitalisation of purchases: just a fad or the real deal?
[INFOGRAPHIC] The state of procurement technology in 2017-18
For any further information regarding this event, don't hesitate to contact Elsa d'Andréa: