Optimisation of product selection
Adapt your products to your fonctional needs

The management of long tail spend is rarely structured and it can be observed as early as the identification of needs step. However, formalising the needs of internal customers makes it possible to adapt the product range and thus achieve direct savings.

3 steps to select your products better

Analyse de vos comportements d'achats

Analysing your purchasing behaviours

Identification des catégories cibles

Identifying target categories

Proposition et mise en place de produits alternatifs

Suggesting and implementing alternative products

The exemple of private labels Manutan

Because selecting premium products is not always justified, Manutan offers you a quality alternative at a lower price through its private label.

Our commitments:

The everyday essentials:
A range to support you in your daily activities.
Quality above all:
A 10-year warranty on all Manutan branded products (3 years for consumables).
A competitive price:
Alternative products to major brands on average 20% cheaper for equal quality.

Each product in our range comes in an entry level, mid-range, and premium version to ensure that companies buy the items suited to their needs.

Product optimisation in action

Agri-food company

Number of employees: 7,500
Supplier spend per year: €446,000
Number of orders per year: 2,050

Our tailored action plan

  • Rebalancing your product mix (premium, mid-range and entry level) helps to avoid over-quality and to buy the right products at the right price
  • 20% savings by substituting premium products for Manutan products

Results :

€15,800 IN SAVINGS
through to the right product mix balance