
Digital technology
our everyday ally

Resolutely focused on the future, digital innovation is at the heart of our corporate strategy. By combining the power of human relations with the opportunities of digital technology, we offer our customers, suppliers and employees a unique experience. 

Let’s inventthe e-commerce of tomorrow

We develop simple, fast and high added-value solutions to offer our customers the best buying experience: autonomy (stocks, lead times and real-time delivery tracking, online returns, etc.) and innovative solutions (mobile app, 3D viewing, etc.).

A concrete digital transformation

This is reflected in ambitious and innovative projects: standardisation of our information system, digitalisation of invoice processing and optimisation of customer request management via Artificial Intelligence.


Sprint, design thinking... enable our teams to place customers at the heart of projects, while boosting internal collaboration and speed. Open innovation with start-ups is also a method that we prioritise to gain efficiency.

Startuppers: let's build together! 

Have you developed a solution that could help us improve the experience for our customers, employees or suppliers? If so, then what are you waiting for? Contact us now! We are looking forward to innovating with you.

Start-up information

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