Manutan wins the Bronze Trophy at the EKOPO Awards
At the first EKOPO Awards ceremony which took place on 14 April, the Manutan group, leader in e-commerce for companies and local authorities, was rewarded for one of its many CSR initiatives deployed to promote its employees' development, within the framework of more responsible business.
Manutan, whose CSR is at the heart of its DNA, in particular through its mission ‘Entrepreneurship for a Better World’, received the Bronze Trophy in the 'Social Innovation' category for its project 'Feedback is a Gift', a true innovation supporting employees' fulfilment.
What is the 'Feedback is a Gift' project?
To meet the aim of employees' continuous improvement and daily development, in 2019, Manutan initiated an HR project surrounding the 360° permanent feedback culture.
This involved regularly gathering feedback from all the professional contacts with whom the employee works or speaks (internal and external), irrespective of the hierarchical link between them. What was the aim of this initiative? To improve and increase feedback, make it more regular and balanced, and to exchange it with as many contacts as possible.
This project is ambitious because it involves employees' behaviour and everyday practices and know-how, affecting how they communicate based on a supportive mindset.
This innovation is supported by an online tool: Flashbrand. This enables us to structure the practice, gather all the feedback on a single interface and archive it. The employee is in control of their feedback which is not visible to anyone else (neither their manager nor the HR departments) unless they decide to share it.
"Being rewarded for this initiative which began just over two years ago is a real sign of recognition for Manutan and all its employees. We are proud to have conducted this project, which is an integral part of our employees' development cycle and is at the heart of our HR policy! Today, each of them is making progress and growing through this tool and their feedback is very positive about the permanent improvement of their skills!", says Valérie Benoit, Manutan group Human Development Director, with enthusiasm.