Equality at the heart of debates on BSMART
Broadcast on the BSMART television channel, the 14th ‘SMART@WORK’ instalment covers equality in management positions. The journalist Aurélie Planeix welcomes three guests to discuss the drivers and benefits of a better gender balance in companies.
On the set were:
- Catherine Ladousse, Co-founder & Honorary Chairwoman of Cercle InterElles
- Julie Dang Tran, Managing Director of Manutan France
- Xavier Alberti, Chairman of Les Collectionneurs and Co-founder of Jamais Sans Elles
At a time when CAC 40 companies only have one female director, the topic of equality has capital importance. There are many reasons explaining this phenomenon that are deeply anchored in history.
However, the legislation and mentalities are changing towards better representation for women in management roles. In this sense, companies have a major role to play, by taking simple and effective action. This may be by ensuring diversity within project groups or in recruitment for example. Beyond the key role that organisations play in society, Julie Dang Tran reminds us that their competitiveness, team performance and individuals’ fulfilment depend on it.
At Manutan, we are convinced that diversity in terms of people’s backgrounds and approaches represents true wealth and is the first step towards ‘Entrepreneurship for a Better World’.