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Turnover Q3 2020/2021

23 July 2021

The Group consolidates its growth momentum with an increase of 
8.9% in the third quarter compared to the same quarter of the 
previous year

In thousands of euros Turnover at the end of June 2021 Turnover at the end of June 2020 Q3 2021 Q3 2020 Q2 2021 Q2 2020 Q1 2021 Q1 2020
Total turnover 594 196 560 698 200 825 184 458 181 264 179 218 212 107 197 023

In Q3 2020/2021, the activity of the Manutan group grew by +8.9% (+5.6% at constant exchange rates and number of working days, with a currency effect of +0.8% and a day effect of +2.6%). This growth is supported by the Local Authorities division, which grew by + 18.4% (+14.2% on a constant number of working days) as well as by the Enterprises division which posted growth of +6.5% (+3.3% at changes and constant number of working days).

Since the beginning of the fiscal year until the end of the Q3 2020/2021, the cumulative Turnover of Manutan Group was up 6.0% (+5.6% at constant exchange rates and number of working days) compared to the same period of the 2019/2020 financial year. Turnover stood at 594.2 million euros at June 30, 2021 against 560.7 million euros at June 30, 2020.

In terms of its operational areas, the Group's situation is as follows :

In thousands of euros

Turnover at the end of June 2021 Turnover at the end of June 2020 Q3 2021 Q3 2020 Q2 2021 Q2 2020 Q1 2021 Q1 2020
Entreprises 467 386 448 503 157 038 147 466 150 535 152 078 159 812 148 959
South 219 826 216 478 73 254 75 285 69 473 69 506 77 099 71 687
Centre 115 647 107 754 38 103 33 448 38 645 38 693 38 899 35 613
West 86 102 78 500 29 878 24 583 28 062 27 065 28 162 26 852
North 28 510 26 995 9 917 8 897 8 982 9 104 9 611 8 995
East 17 301 18 776 5 887 5 253 5 373 7 710 6 041 5 812
Local Authorities 126 811 112 196 43 787 36 992 30 729 27 140 52 295 48 064
South 126 811 112 196 43 787 36 992 30 729 27 140 52 295 48 064
TOTAL 594 196 560 698 200 825 184 458 181 264 179 218 212 107 197 023

At constant exchange rates and days, and on a like-for-like basis

1st quarter

2nd quarter

3rd quarter

4th quarter

Financial Year
Entreprises 7,5% 1,1% 3,3%   4,0%
  South 6,2% 1,4% -5,7%   0,6%
  Centre 8,7% 1,5% 12,1%   7,2%
  West 9,8% 8,4% 18,2%   11,9%
  North 4,9% -1,6% 4,1%   2,5%
  East 8,4% -26,2% 7,0%   -6,2%
Local Authorities 7,0% 16,0% 14,2%   12,3%
  South 7,0% 16,0% 14,2%   12,3%
  TOTAL 7,4% 3,4% 5,5%   5,6%


All of the Group's operational areas are growing, except the South area of the Enterprises division. It should be noted that the third quarter of the 2019/2020 financial year had been particularly affected by the first lock-down related to Covid crisis:

  • For Local Authorities division, Turnover was adversely impacted due to school closures.
  • In the South area of the Enterprises division, exceptional COVID related products sales had on the contrary supported the growth in turnover.

The Group's priorities for the rest of the 2020/2021 financial year remain focused on the implementation of its development strategy, in particular the extension of its storage capacities and the deployment of the digital model. The Group will carry on actively seeking external growth targets.