Has working from home affected companies'IT security?
According to a study published by the French Directorate for Research, Studies and Statistics (Direction de l'animation de la recherche, des études et des statistiques, DARES) in February 2022, the pandemic led to an unparalleled boom in teleworking. In January 2021, 27% of employees regularly worked from home, compared to only 4% in 2019*. At the same time, cyberthreats were drastically increasing. The French Interior Ministry observed a 31% rise in ransomware attacks between 2016 and 2020**, aiming to hold companies’ information systems hostage for sums of money. Supporting employees in their IT use, in particular remotely, therefore represented a challenge for companies.
Manutan, the European leader in B2B e-commerce, is rethinking its model to incorporate cyber vigilance in its information system and its teams’ everyday practices. To achieve this, the Group is investing in two key components: customised tools and employee training. With encryption adapted to remote working, two-factor authentication, artificial intelligence and continuity plans, the company is continuing its efforts and is adjusting to new practices with the aim of offering a secure and adapted work experience both on site and remotely. When 80% of attacks can be attributed to human actions, involving employees in this strategy becomes crucial. To work from home in total security, they must pass training modules every year. They are also regularly informed of new attacks and the best practices to prevent them. Finally, workshops, dedicated events and other test campaigns are provided to support all the teams, at all levels of the company.
Sylvain Coquio, Manutan Group Chief Information Officer, believes that being informed about new attacks, adapting, and raising awareness through training are the fundamental aspects of his role. He analyses different challenges and priority themes for secure information system management, both at the office and when working from home:
- How do you limit the cyber risk in companies?
- What are the different cyber attack practices identified?
- How do you secure remote access when working from home and guarantee the integrity of the company’s sensitive data?
- What is the role of technologies in managing cyber risks?
- How do you get employees involved and raise their awareness of cyber risks?
To request an interview with Sylvain Coquio, please contact:
Henry du Basty on +33 (0)7 80 98 88 60 or by email at henry.dubasty@bcw-global.com