back photo taken at the Ekopo Awards 2022 ceremony

Manutan awarded for its circular economy office at the Ekopo Awards

2 December 2022

On 1 December, the Manutan Group was awarded the bronze Prize in the ‘Circular Economy’ category at the Ekopo Awards 2022. This highlights the desire of the European leader in B2B e-commerce to position itself as a stakeholder in change, through the joint creation of a unique, innovative and sustainable desk, made from 98% salvaged materials. 

This desk, named Séléné, was designed in collaboration with three experts in their field: the designer Christophe Dabi, the eco-organisation Valdelia  and the Ares Group (French Association for Economic and Social Reintegration). 

All these stakeholders came together around a shared ambition: to guarantee a second life to used furniture, supporting the responsible procurement policies of private and public organisations and a return to work for vulnerable people. 

This has given life to one of the rare products made from upcycling on the B2B market which combines aesthetics, good value for money and delivery within 24/48 hours. It’s also proof that it’s possible to make beautiful and functional furniture with old materials.

The Séléné desk in a few figures*:

  • 97.7% upcycled material;
  • 80% fewer CO2 emissions in comparison to an equivalent new table;
  • 26.89 kg of waste avoided in comparison to designing a new desk;
  • 10 hours of work by staff on a professional integration scheme.

Committed to more virtuous and responsible commerce, the Manutan Group wants to place the circular economy at the heart of its business model, and promote this new method of consumption within its ecosystem. This mission is accomplished with the Séléné desk which is already receiving its first orders!

* According to the calculation tool developed by ADEME (the French Agency for Ecological Transition)