Manutan’s subsidiaries are rallying to support Ukrainian refugees
In the face of the humanitarian crisis that is raging in Ukraine, the Manutan Group has been making its contribution for several weeks to the many solidarity initiatives being carried out worldwide. Following the first emergency measures taken by the Group’s General Management, the subsidiaries are rallying to support Ukrainian refugees in their countries.
In March, the Manutan Group donated to UNICEF to contribute to the aid given to the Ukrainian population. Employees are also given the possibility to take days off to support an initiative to benefit Ukrainian refugees.
In addition, local initiatives are being put in place: from the very beginning, collections of food and basic essentials were organised at Manutan Italy, Switzerland, Hungary, the UK, and Kruizinga (specialist in the online distribution of storage and transport equipment in the Netherlands). Employees have donated hundreds of items to local charities to help refugees: nappies, preserves, sleeping bags, first-aid equipment, etc.
Some subsidiaries are also supporting their local partners:
- Manutan Italy has donated a voucher worth €500 to the Cinisello Balsamo Civil Protection Department to buy products that are necessary to manage this humanitarian crisis.
- Rapid Racking, the specialist in shelving and storage solutions, is donating several sets of shelves to the Newbridge Church in Wales, to organise and store the large volume of donations for Ukrainian refugees received by the local communities.
In addition to these fantastic collective initiatives, the Manutan Group would also like to highlight all the employees who have shown commitment on a personal level, regardless of whether they used the solidarity days offered for this purpose or not. Some have welcomed refugees in their homes and others have assisted them with administrative procedures or transported them in their cars, to make their reception in neighbouring countries as straightforward as possible.
The Manutan Group and all its employees across Europe are continuing to take part in this general effort to help the affected populations.