Manutan Collectivités labelled twice for CSR
This year, Manutan Collectivités has been awarded the double label ‘Engagé RSE’ and ‘Responsibility Europe’ by AFNOR (the French standardisation association). These two benchmark labels, based on ISO 26000, assess organisations’ maturity in terms of CSR. This confirms the daily efforts made by the Manutan Group, the European leader in B2B e-commerce, to fulfil its mission as a company in tune with the challenges of sustainable development.
This double label is based on a framework of fifty-five evaluation criteria. It is also linked to the major sustainable development frameworks (seventeen United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, Global Reporting Initiative Standards, ten Global Compact principles and the expectations of the French extra-financial performance declaration).
As AFNOR emphasises: “Choosing to become ‘Engagé RSE’ sends a strong signal: that of an organisation that takes responsibility for the impact of its decisions and is committed to the sustainable development of its activities.”
As a tool for strategic reflection, internal engagement, steering and promotion of the CSR approach, this double label gives organisations prospects to strive for exemplary performance.
Manutan Collectivités is now working to build a strong roadmap for the next three years, in a continuous improvement approach.
The ‘Engagé RSE’ and ‘Responsibility Europe’ labels confirm the Manutan Group’s commitments towards Corporate Social Responsibility, echoing its mission of Entrepreneurship for a Better World by building a sustainable B2B model in which each person can develop and progress.