MOOV'WITH MANUTA: Launch of the call for applications for BtoB Start-ups
In 2021, French start-ups raised some 11.5 billion euros and more than 2 billion in January 2022, tangible proof of the French people’s growing enthusiasm for and engagement in entrepreneurial ventures. Although 2021 was an exceptional year for the start-up nation, will 2022 keep all its promises? Manutan, European leader in B2B e-commerce specialising in the distribution of equipment and supplies to companies and local authorities, is part of this dynamic, by launching today, for the second year in a row, the call for applications for its ‘Moov’with Manutan’ acceleration programme deployed in collaboration with its historic partner Moovjee .
A dual allaince to be PART of the BtoB economic fabric
The ‘Moov’with Manutan’ acceleration programme is intended to support innovative start-ups in the B2B world by bringing them a network of business experts and true integration in the B2B fabric within a leading company in the sector. In 2021, Moovjee and Manutan gave a leg up to 3 start-ups: PICNIC, MerciYanis and MonEntrepreneurSocial. “Today, these 3 young companies are growing fast and some of them have also been able to raise several million euros since last year.” On the strength of the 2021 edition, the 2022 programme has been consolidated to meet new entrepreneurs’ expectations with a personalised programme reinforced by the two partners’ know-how, experience and broad network.
”We’re offering a programme of excellence for all the entrepreneurs who have ambitions for the B2B sector. We’re making every effort to ensure that it’s a real development driver for these young start-ups. Our ambition is to provide them with our expertise led by passionate teams so that they can refine their projects and advance more serenely in the construction of their companies. As a result, I’d say that commitment and faultless optimism are the keys to joining our programme!” declares Xavier Laurent, Director of Mergers and Acquisitions for the Manutan Group.
Being part of an acceleration programme dedicated to BtoB innovation to boost your business
The 'Moov'with Manutan' adventure is above all a story of passion for innovation and tomorrow's entrepreneurship. Whether these are innovative solutions dedicated to the supply chain, logistics, e-commmerce, packaging and general services... the key to joining this programme is to be a B2B start-up.
This experience is also aimed at young entrepreneurs who are members of Moovjee between 18 and 30 years old who wish to develop in France and/or in Europe, and have at least 20% of the shares in their company. Start-ups’ offerings must fit within the rationale of Manutan customers’ needs: the development of services dedicated to companies, or innovative class C products (industrial supplies and tools, packaging, health & safety, etc.). We should finally emphasise that Manutan has a strong vision in terms of CSR development, an essential ingredient of the B2B sector’s future. This is why the connection between the product or service on offer and CSR will be a real advantage to be selected.
Once the start-ups have been selected, they can present their projects to a jury, which will enable 3 start-ups to be supported by Manutan, from October. The lucky winners will benefit from tailored support for one year with a dedicated team of two sponsors. They can also take advantage of regular meetings with employees who occupy key roles within the company, who will provide the startuppers with countless tips on how to develop their activities (HR, finance, export, etc.). The winners will have the opportunity to set up in the actual Manutan European headquarters in Gonesse, and have access to the site’s many facilities (coworking spaces, company canteen, media library, sports centre and caretaker service, etc.).
Becoming a partner of a leading company in the sector to strenghten your activity over time
The programme’s aim is to help innovative projects come to fruition and be deployed to create strong, influential and long-lasting collaborations. Manutan wants to enable all the candidate start-ups to benefit from its network and the strength of its ecosystem.
The winners will be able to develop their products or services offering within the Manutan group via support from business experts; and who knows, potentially propose their offering to Manutan’s customer portfolio. For example, MerciYanis has equipped the Manutan premises technical and maintenance services with CO2 sensors since March 2022. These sensors will also soon be incorporated in the Group’s offering!
In addition, each start-up that has been before the jury may, like the 3 winners, benefit from the Manutan network by taking part in flagship events organised by the Group. This is a way for the company to share its strong commitment to entrepreneurship and its vision of tomorrow’s B2B sector.
Startuppers, to join the adventure, sign up here .