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The Manutan Group assesses its suppliers in terms of CSR

18 June 2022

Within the framework of its Corporate Social Responsibility strategy, the Manutan Group wants to include its suppliers in the deployment of a responsible offer and purchasing policy, with the desire to limit environmental impacts, defend basic human rights and promote inclusion. After sharing its ambitions with them via a dedicated online conference, the European leader in B2B e-commerce is now getting to know its suppliers better, while continuing to create growth. 

In 2022, the first CSR assessment procedures have been launched with strategic suppliers. The aim is to identify the partners with the best practices, and those that Manutan will support in implementing a progress plan monitored over time. Through the social, economic, and environmental prism, an evolving map of its suppliers’ maturity is being drawn, guaranteeing a continuous and collaborative improvement approach. Manutan is therefore offering its suppliers the opportunity to position themselves as real partners in change.

While three on-site audits have already been carried out, seventeen others will follow by the end of the fiscal year. At the same time, around a hundred suppliers will also perform a self-assessment by answering the questionnaire created by the Manutan Group Purchasing Department, assisted by a consulting firm. 

The first audits have received great success with suppliers. One of them believes that in just one day, this approach highlighted the points for improvement that its company took six months to identify. Another states that this audit confirmed its General Management’s social and environment approach. 

Nathan Mesa, Group Buyer at Manutan, shares his thoughts: “Taking part in the CSR experience has been a brand-new experience that is very beneficial to my career. It demonstrates Manutan’s true desire to spread its values and commitments in terms of sustainable development. Beyond the commercial aspect of our relations with suppliers, CSR is also a personal conviction that drives us all, which we’re proud to support.” 

By offering responsible and eco-responsible products to its customers and valuing its responsible partners more and more, Manutan would like its approach to be part of a virtuous circle, promoting sustainable development and living together in a better way. 

This dynamic offers wonderful opportunities to develop the Manutan Group’s whole ecosystem while protecting our planet and its inhabitants.