back Photo taken during the filming of Smart@Work programme on employee development and company performance

Focus on satisfaction at work in ‘SMART@WORK’

24 September 2021

This month’s ‘SMART@WORK’ programme broadcast on the BSMART TV channel looks at business performance and job satisfaction in the wake of the health crisis.

Aurélie Planeix, journalist and programme presenter, welcomes to the studio:

  • Antoine Compin, Managing Director of Manutan France
  • Cindy Dauvin-Cariou, Founder of XXL HAPPYNESS 
  • Léopold Denis, Co-founder of Moodwork



The guests are unanimous: a climate of trust in the company, based on a healthy culture and caring management, remains a prerequisite for quality of life at work. Cindy Dauvin-Cariou believes that “the future belongs to caring companies. A company that wants to nurture its employees, where humans are at the heart of [its] concerns, which will put in place initiatives every day or on a regular basis to make sure that they perform better together.”

Léopold Denis nuances these words by recalling that “real responsibility is shared between the organisation and the individual.” In this dynamic, Manutan France promotes feedback culture within its company. Through a dedicated platform, all employees are invited to share well-meaning and constructive feedback on their peers, for them to improve. 

Finally, Antoine Compin emphasises the importance of the company culture, a vital component of employee satisfaction. The managing director of Manutan France believes that one has to demonstrate “transparency and communication and involve the employees […] to be sure that the company is moving in the right direction.”  

When we know that a satisfied employee is six times less absent, 30% more productive, and 55% more creative, quality of life at work takes on its full meaning. It’s in each company’s interest to adopt ‘Well-working’, irrespective of its size.