back Photo by Caroline Haquet, Mathieu Martin and Frédéric Fougerat on the set of BSMART

Focus on talent in the latest episode of “SMART@WORK”

31 May 2022

Aired on the BSMART television channel, the latest “SMART@WORK” programme addresses the issue of attracting and retaining talent in companies. On this occasion, journalist and host Aurélie Planeix welcomes three guests, including Caroline Haquet, Human Resources Director at the Manutan Group.

They are joined by:

  • Mathieu Martin, Co-founder of 365Talents
  • Frédéric Fougerat, Director of Communications at Emeria


Mathieu Martin believesevery employee has a talent, and it’s just a matter of revealing it and harnessing these skills. At a time when the labour market is under pressure, the challenge is to map out these skills and support employees in their development. It is through training, mobility and feedback in particular that companies will be able to move in this direction and thus retain their talent. Caroline Haquet agrees wholeheartedly: It’s important to work on employability.” At Manutan, all employees have access to a training platform enriched with various programmes and receive training on the feedback culture and more.

However, alignment with the corporate culture remains key in human resources management. ”It’s certainly necessary to recruit people based on their talent and skills, but you also have to ask yourself if their mindset will match the way the company works”, stresses Mathieu Martin.

This is even more the case at a time when new ways of working are emerging, such as teleworking and freelancing. “It’s important to integrate freelancers and work with this new ecosystem now”, adds Caroline Haquet

The Communications Department has a key role to play in this regard, as Frédéric Fougerat points out: Communication can and should enable each person to enhance their feeling of belonging, of being part of a community.”

At Manutan, this philosophy is central to its corporate mission: “Entrepreneurship for a Better World by building a sustainable B2B model in which each person can develop and progress.”