Companies: How can we succeed in transitioning the teams towards a hybrid management method?
According to an INSEE (French National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies) study, 22% of the employees worked remotely in 2021 and, among executives, this figure reached 55%1. Post-COVID, the work environment is changing with working from home becoming standard for many companies and organisations. In this context, management, recruitment, retention or training techniques must adapt to a new ‘hybrid’ model. This shift is however a challenge for many companies, which must instil this change management in managerial teams. The pandemic truly accelerated the adoption of new and enhanced managerial practices which have become essential today.
Manutan, one of the European leaders in B2B e-commerce, is therefore accelerating the harmonisation of its managerial culture and working hard to spread these practices across its 27 subsidiaries in Europe. The reorganisation of work has led to the establishment of new collaboration methods and the installation of new communication rituals within the Group. The integration of digital technology has become fundamental; there has been a massive investment in tools to facilitate remote working, followed by the reorganisation of work spaces on its European campus to promote convivial collaboration and ‘Well-working’ in the company.
Manutan is supporting the Group’s 300 managers with the development and provision of a ‘hybrid management’ kit. Designed as a toolbox, it presents the techniques and rituals to put in place and reviews the good habits to adopt in this new work environment, with concrete examples to be operational. Managers can therefore find ideas and inspiration to manage and communicate with their teams.
Valérie Benoit, People Development Director of the Manutan Group, looks at the challenges relating to hybrid management surrounding four connected issues:
- How is the collective group managed?
- How do we integrate new employees?
- How is remote activity supervised and managed?
- How has the organisation of work been reviewed?
To request an interview with Valérie Benoit, please contact:
Théo Parayre on +33 (0)1 56 03 15 49 or by email theo.parayre@bcw-global.com