back Photos of several animals taken by Manutan employees

Manutan launches a new fundraiser for the animal protection charity, the SPA

15 September 2022

To help those who are most disadvantaged, the Manutan group regularly organises fundraisers through its sharing and internal referral platform, called M’link. For the second year in a row, the European leader in B2B e-commerce set up a summer scheme to support the Société Protectrice des Animaux (SPA - society for the prevention of cruelty to animals) which works to defend animals’ place in society. Thanks to their dedication, the employees were able to exceed the amount raised the previous year.

To raise funds, the employees had the choice:

  • Through M’link, they earn points by posting job opportunities or company news on social media. Instead of converting their points into personal gifts, they had the option to convert them into donations to the charity.
  • They were also invited to share a photo of their pet on the platform, with Manutan pledging to donate €10 per photo posted

In just one month, there was a wonderful show of solidarity, with 1,100 points converted and 61 photos posted. Thanks to this effort, our company is proud to donate €1,710 to the SPA, this September. 

Thanks to this support, the charity will be able to continue rescuing, feeding and caring for suffering animals, as well as to keep on fighting for the animal cause. It has come just in time, since the charity has recorded a massive arrival of abandoned pets this summer and the refuges are overflowing.

This charitable initiative highlights the human values shared at Manutan, which echo its company mission: Entrepreneurship for a Better World.