Moov'with Manutan: the three winning start-ups for 2023
The Manutan Group, European leader in B2B e-commerce, is delighted to announce the winners of the third edition of its ‘Moov'with Manutan’ programme. Developed in partnership with Moovjee, the aim of this initiative is to support the growth of innovative start-ups in the B2B sector. This year, the three start-ups selected by our jury are all driven by CSR ambitions, and have already won awards from Moovjee. These are JeuNoh, Holis, and SWOOP Energy.
Ten start-ups were selected from dozens of applications to present their projects to the members of our jury last September. Three of them distinguished themselves and came out as the winners of this competition:
JeuNoh – Noémie Ogno
JeuNoh creates edutainment board games that develop the independence of all children, even those with intellectual disabilities, cognitive disorders, or autism spectrum disorders (ASD).
Holis – Martin Besnier
Holis is a collaborative life cycle assessment (LCA) and eco-design platform that enables companies to quantify, improve, and communicate the socio-environmental performance of all their products.
SWOOP Energy – Yann Cousin & Alexis Claeys
SWOOP Energy offers a range of mobile electric generators that are eco-responsible and totally silent, enabling professionals to obtain electricity at isolated sites.
They will receive one year’s personalised support to help them achieve their ambitions and boost the growth of their business. In particular, they will be guided by a dedicated team committed to making its expertise, advice, and network available to help them develop their business in all areas (sales strategy, products, human resources, finance, etc.).
What’s more, the winners will have the opportunity to work from the Manutan Group’s European campus in Gonesse.
Through this programme, Manutan is pursuing its commitment to a proactive approach to innovation and entrepreneurship.